Thursday, June 16, 2016

Saluting All The Soldiers In The World

Heartfelt gratefulness to all the soldiers who are very involved in their work that consequences them to meet their family and their babies after a very long time.I salute all the honest and hardworking army personnels who are devoted to their duties. The security of the nation lies in their hands and they are so involved in their duties that they leave their established family and their wives alone to go and protect the nation.When they do get to see the faces of their child after a very long time, maybe when the child is of six or seven months.We can all imagine how the situation might be, a very emotional picture comes in mind!!!
I thank all the soldiers once again and request the concerned authority to honour these people with honorable posts, prizes and awards to inspire other people for the devotion in world peace.........salute you!!

1 comment:

Sriti Rimal said...

I hope I get a response soon :)