Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


back to school must haves

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

hey guys what's up, Ab's back

sorry for the late update, i just hope sriti doesn't get mad it currently 23:26 pm here and i had some problems with the net, and sriti as well that's why i'm here, she asked me to post today since she can't but don't worry she'll be back
so i ran out of ideas as usual, and this poped up into my head and i said why not

Back to school yucks, yup i know it's not the most period of life that we love, but we can make it worth it

so at school you'll have a lot of awkward situations, or is it just me, anyways you'll have situations where you'll need a lot of stuff so i'm going to give you guys 7 must haves for school, hope you'll enjoy

1 - Planner : 

so whatever grade you are, you'll need a planner if you want to be organized and get all your work done

2- Morning Products :

so in the morning you want something to freshen you up, not just coffee, but products to your skin that'll make your skin looking good, so i've watched a video that recommend clear & clean products like the morning burst and dryer sheats and stuff like that
so i guess i think i didn't use clean&clear for so long but i heard it's really good, i don't know.

3 - Hats :

whether it's summer or winter, you'll be needing a hat
you can put on a cap in summer bc it'll protect you from the sunlight and it'll look super cute with any outfit, for the winter we all knwo you'll be wearing beanies and stuff like that so wear them and there are tons of hairstyles for both on youtube, just search

4 - Converse :

 so i'm kinda of a converse/sneakers girl i don't like wearing flats and sandles (not my thing ) so sneakers are really cute and definetly white sneakers/converse will go with any outfit and they're so trendy and you can style them in the way you love

5 - Water Bottle :

who doesn't get thirsty at school, we all do right? so you always have to bring a water bottle but if you're afraid that'll melt, i gotcha
all you have to do is fill your water bottle half way and then put it in the freezer  in a slanted way or i don't know how to call it, then when you wanna leave just fill it to the top and by the time you want to drink it'll be cold and ready, or another idea there are some water bottles that make your drink stay cold/hot for 12/24 h or there are bags that can handle that 

 6 - Headphones :

so headphones are a must have, either for studing or talking on the phone or just listening to music on your free time *wink*

7 - Essential Bag :

so as i said before we all have those situations so you'll have to put a small bag that'll hold every essential that you'll probably need
to stay READY for example :

- Brush / Mirror / chapstick / makeup (if you wear makeup) / Gum (you definetly don't wanna have a bad smelling mouth ) / Medecine / girl stuff 

so guys i really hope you enjoyed that random post 
thanks a lot for reading 
hope you're having a great day/afternoon/night :)



Tuesday, August 2, 2016


5 Facts about Me (Aby Dallas)

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

Hey guys Ab is here

you didn't think i died, did you?

but this may or may not be my last upload 

because as you know, SRITI IS GOING BACK SOOON

yaaayy right, i'm exited for that, i missed her, she 's like the little 

sister i never had

so i thought i'd tell you guys 5 facts about me

1 - i'm Abir and 17 :

so this is kinda obvious, Aby dallas is my fame name jk i'm not famous it's just that i like the nickname aby and dallas is for cameron dallas, and i'm almost 17 years old, it's like 16 going on 17


i'm super awkward and weird like literally, i'm just like that, can't help it

3 - i'm unlucky :

i'm seriously unlucky with everything, i've never been lucky in anything that i can remember, maybe i'm cursed (Thinking) hmmm i never though of it like that, but i'm used to it, other than having amazing people in my life, so i'm thankful for that *__*

4 - Boyfriends :

it's kinda weird for some of you to think that i'm 17 and i never had a boyfriend in my life , and for some of you, you'll be saying it's normal and there are some teens like that, for me i'd say it's related to my destiney and sometimes it hits me, and now i'm lovin the single life, so it's pretty much normal now for me 

5 - Cameron Dallas & Teen Wolf :

these are my love lives, i'm gonna say it, even though i may not exist to him or he's a celebrity, that doesn't stop me from loving him or supporting him, he just makes me life, he's my imaginary boyfriend, if i ever talk about my imaginary boyfriends i'll never stop talking, DO YOU FEEL ME

6 - Angry :

this is a bonus fact, i get angry almost so fast, and my heart beats really fast because some people don't care, and i'm very emotional but i don't show that, the only people who saw me crying is my mom and sister and that was a long time ago when i was a kid, i'm the kind of person who doesn't show her emotions

so guys thank you so much for reading my facts, though i'm boring sorry

sorry for the late update had some problems

probably Sriti will be back tomorrow with a new post, if not i'll be here

and thank you Sriti so much for this opportunity i had real fun here

i'm sorry also for some grammer mistakes, if there any 

until next time

#Take_Care ^__^


Monday, August 1, 2016

Youtubers you need to know :

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

Hey guys Ab is here 

just wanted to update you guys with some youtubers, since i'm always watching youtube, i promise that you won't regret watching them so let's just hop into the youtube world 

1- Alisha Marie :

this girl is my fav girl and my fav youtuber, she's so creative and so so funny ,she makes videos in her own way, this one if you watched her videos you'll never stop 


2 - Danielle Marie : 

danielle makes fashion look books, positivity/confidence tips, hauls, tutorials, health & lifestyle videos, she's an amazing person
she notices every fan 


3 - Meredith Foster : 

mere is an awesome, cool and funny youtuber, she slays youtube 


4- Liza Koshy :

now if you want to laugh your ass off, definetly watch Liza she just can't stay serious for a sec .


5- Eva Gutowski :

she's amazing and funny and makes a lot of fun and different videos to watch you probably know her 


6 - LaurDiy :

for the diy lovers lauren is your one, she's the queen of DIYs


7 - JENerationDIY :

jennifer is another DIY maker but she does other videos so check her out


8 - Nicoletta xo : 

if you are a celebrity lover nicoletta has a series of celebrity life hacks such as Selena Gomez / Ariana Grande / Kendall + Kylie all that and more 


9 - VasseurBeauty : 

we all know that sometimes we get that feeling when we want everything clean and organized so Brittany is the solution for you, she has basically everything hacks/ cleaning related 


10 - Study With Jess : 

it's back to school and you're confused and can't start doing your homework , Jess got your back 


i've just done a promo for all these amazing youtubers, why not do one for myself (sorry Sriti, hope you don't mind )

11 - Lovley Abby :

you like watching trailers , hit this link and go to my channel, i'm starting to learn some tips to improve my trailers, and there are a lot of trailers come in up 



#Aby :) 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

partner  in  crime :

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

So as you all know i’m Sriti’s partner in this blog and i’m honored to post here, so since she posted a blog about the qualities that she think i have, though i’m not that better of a person i just try to be, i wanted to thank her for that, and do the same here, i’m gonna tell u 5 qualities about Sriti.

-   She’s super sweet :

I love how sweet and awesome she is, she just knows what to say, and tries her best to make you guys happy with her posts, and grow her fandom

-   An amazing personality :

She’s just young and innocent, and i hope she stays that way no mater what, and don’t let the haters try to control you partner.

-   She’s so dedicated :

She loves her blog so much, that she tries to post constanly,because she loves writing, that’s why she asked me to write when she’s busy, cause she doesn’t wanna stop, and that’s a great quality.

-   Beautiful :

She’s beautiful and doesn’t realize that, and this is not just for her, i’ll tell u guys something, be confident in your own skin, because if you don’t like yourself, who will?
Every one is beautiful in there own 

Anyone who’s reading this is Beautiful.

-   She Cares:

Sriti cares a lot, she cares for her friends and familly, and i love that about her

So these are some of the qualities of my partner in crime, i’m so greatfull that i got to talk to her because she’s amazing

Thanks for reading this

Tag your internet friend down below



Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

How to be a morning person :

Hey it’s aby here, sorry for the late update, just had a problem in the internet for the last 3 days but it’s solved

So i thought why not share with you guys some tips on how to be a morning person, cause i know that in summer or school , we all have those nights where all you wanna do is to chill and watch some TV or go on your social media, same here, and then when you wake up in the morning, either we can’t get up, or we’re all tired with puffed eyes

So i gotcha, i have some quick tips that i think will help you and me
and you’ll spend your day feeling happy and productive

1-       Do not hit snooze :

what ever it’ll take you, do not hit snooze bc it’ll just keep you on your bed sleeping and you’re gonna wake up in a different mood

2-           Don’t focus on yesterday :

Don’t think about yesterday’s events, because that’ll just keep you awake at night and you won’t get enough sleep, try sleeping for 7-8h

3-           Write down those genius ideas :

We all know that in the morning, we have a fresh mind, if you know what i mean, so great ideas will come flowing into your mind, don’t let them go to waste and write them down on a paper or your notebook.

4-           Make a morning playlist :

Try to make a playlist to get ready with, make it for the amount of time you take to get ready, and when u wake up just play it and you’re good to go ( try making it on 8tracks/spotify/soundcloud).

5-           Drink water :

The moment you wake up, drink a glass of water, because water is good for your body, and it’ll be great if you drank a glass in the morning.

6-           Let light in :

When you wake up, open the curtains to let the light in, because if you wake up and it’s all black, it’s not the right mood for the morning.

7-           Get your blood flowing:

Make an amount of time to exercise in the morning or just stretch or do yoga, it’s your choice, it’s good to stretch your lazy muscles in the morning.

So guys those were my tips, hope you enjoyed reading this blog, make sure to comment if you want to ask any questions or have requests, i’ll be pleased to answer you

#Take_ Care

Friday, July 29, 2016

What, Sriti Rimal got kidnapped?!! 12 Study Tips You Wouldn't Wanna Miss Out!!

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

Hey there, it's Aby, are you wandering where's Sriti, you probably know
but for those who don't

i kidnapped her
just don't tell anyone JK.

so i'm taking over now, just to make sure that Sriti's Blog is going Okey
pffff of course it is, it's me
so Sriti already told you a bit about me and my background
so today i thought i'll start with something about School
i know that we all hate school but there are some parts about school that are pretty cool and amazing
like seeing friends, having fun
and watching Youtube Videos
this year a lot of youtubers are making such incredible and creative videos of back to school and i spend all day watching them
i'm such a youtube addict, seriously!!!!!

so i collected some ideas on how to study for anything Exams or Tests, they're just some life hacks and tips on studying i just hope they're helpfull
i know that some poeple go back to school these days or they already back to school
i'm so sorry for them, it's unfair but what are we gonna do, we just wanna make the most of it, Right?!!
so i should probably start to talk about the tips, cause i talk a lot sorry about that

1- Highlights :

so highlighting is such a helpfull way, they actually make your notebook look so colorfull which will probably motivates you to start studying ( i know a lot of people and friends who do that)
and you don't need to highlight everything ( like i used to do ) you just highlight the important stuff, key words, and then all you have to do is read those highlighted key words to understand the lesson even more.

2- Make Cue Cards: cue cards are like flash cards (probably) and if you don't have them and don't want to buy them, you can make some like me, just cut some papers in a rectangle shape or any shape that you want and pain them or decorate them as you like then right important materials on them or anything that you want to go through at night in your bed or check out before an exam

3- Study With a friend :

studying with friends is so amazing and fun, you can do tasks together in a fun way, quiz yourselves
and when all your work is done, you can reward yourself with anything that you want, and that would be a plus for you and your friend, have a study group for that, that are serious about that

4- Calender :
have a calender to organize your time, in my case i have a planner which i made myself and these days i'm redoing it so i'll post a planner Diy on my blog, i'm gonna leave a link to my blog down below ( sorry Sriti self Promo)
and to keep track of your exams and social life

5- Listen To Music :
i'm a music addict, so i should know about this, (jk) i listen to music a lot and i used to listen to music with lyrics when i study but i found out that it'll just distract you from your real work, and instead of that just listen to instrumental music without lyrics and music that's calming and relaxing and will make you focus even better, you can search on spotify, if you don't have it, just go  on 8tracks it's my fav it has a lot of different playlists for different moods and all

6- Tea or Coffee : i will tell you that Tea is an amazing drink to calm you down and get you ready for the day, so i'm a tea-coffee person, i love both and depends on my mood which one i'll drink
so i'll probably say if you want to be calm and relaxed drink tea, or if you want to be hyper and stay up all night, i'll choose Coffee

7- Mint : i have seen this life hacks probably everywhere, it says that if you chew an unfamiliar  gum or ate mint when you were studying for a subject, and did the same thing the day of the exam, it'll remind you of the night you were studying and the things that you revised, but i still didn't tested it, the first one who does tell the other ky :)

8- Read Notes Out Loud :
and i've done this so many times, i always read out loud my notes, i memorize out loud, and it really does help you out, just make sure no stranger is there bc they'll think you're crazy jk

9- Youtube Lessons:
i found this tip on youtube, apparently there is a youtube channel that have lessons to teach, say that you didn't understand a lesson or you can't understand it with words go to youtube and tipe Crash course and hpefully you'll find what you're looking for

10- Use Apps To Block Distracting Sites :
so you probably heard about this one here, but if you didn't, i got you guys
we all experienced that moment when you have your books, notebooks, everything settled and then you get distracted by one video, or a twitter notification, or a cute instagram picture
i know i did, just download the app self control on your PC or even phone and make an exact time when do you want your apps to be released again and then you can study

12- Simple Wikipedia :
we know that wikipedia has some important information, but they're so long, so all you have to do is instead of typing Wikipedia, type Simple Wikipedia, and you've got yourself a shorter info
but there are so topics that this hack doesn't work on them ( Sorry)

so guys this is all that i have for you, i really hope you enjoyed my company
and you'll get some help from these tips
i hope you get an amazing back to school
and good luck to Sriti to her upcoming exams

i'll see you next time, with a new blog post

Comment down below requests for new blog posts
this is the link to my blog if you wanna be nice and check it out ( THANK YOU) :) abydallas.blogpost.com

hope you have/ you're having a great day/night wherever you are

#Aby <3