Wednesday, August 3, 2016


back to school must haves

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

hey guys what's up, Ab's back

sorry for the late update, i just hope sriti doesn't get mad it currently 23:26 pm here and i had some problems with the net, and sriti as well that's why i'm here, she asked me to post today since she can't but don't worry she'll be back
so i ran out of ideas as usual, and this poped up into my head and i said why not

Back to school yucks, yup i know it's not the most period of life that we love, but we can make it worth it

so at school you'll have a lot of awkward situations, or is it just me, anyways you'll have situations where you'll need a lot of stuff so i'm going to give you guys 7 must haves for school, hope you'll enjoy

1 - Planner : 

so whatever grade you are, you'll need a planner if you want to be organized and get all your work done

2- Morning Products :

so in the morning you want something to freshen you up, not just coffee, but products to your skin that'll make your skin looking good, so i've watched a video that recommend clear & clean products like the morning burst and dryer sheats and stuff like that
so i guess i think i didn't use clean&clear for so long but i heard it's really good, i don't know.

3 - Hats :

whether it's summer or winter, you'll be needing a hat
you can put on a cap in summer bc it'll protect you from the sunlight and it'll look super cute with any outfit, for the winter we all knwo you'll be wearing beanies and stuff like that so wear them and there are tons of hairstyles for both on youtube, just search

4 - Converse :

 so i'm kinda of a converse/sneakers girl i don't like wearing flats and sandles (not my thing ) so sneakers are really cute and definetly white sneakers/converse will go with any outfit and they're so trendy and you can style them in the way you love

5 - Water Bottle :

who doesn't get thirsty at school, we all do right? so you always have to bring a water bottle but if you're afraid that'll melt, i gotcha
all you have to do is fill your water bottle half way and then put it in the freezer  in a slanted way or i don't know how to call it, then when you wanna leave just fill it to the top and by the time you want to drink it'll be cold and ready, or another idea there are some water bottles that make your drink stay cold/hot for 12/24 h or there are bags that can handle that 

 6 - Headphones :

so headphones are a must have, either for studing or talking on the phone or just listening to music on your free time *wink*

7 - Essential Bag :

so as i said before we all have those situations so you'll have to put a small bag that'll hold every essential that you'll probably need
to stay READY for example :

- Brush / Mirror / chapstick / makeup (if you wear makeup) / Gum (you definetly don't wanna have a bad smelling mouth ) / Medecine / girl stuff 

so guys i really hope you enjoyed that random post 
thanks a lot for reading 
hope you're having a great day/afternoon/night :)



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