Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

How to be a morning person :

Hey it’s aby here, sorry for the late update, just had a problem in the internet for the last 3 days but it’s solved

So i thought why not share with you guys some tips on how to be a morning person, cause i know that in summer or school , we all have those nights where all you wanna do is to chill and watch some TV or go on your social media, same here, and then when you wake up in the morning, either we can’t get up, or we’re all tired with puffed eyes

So i gotcha, i have some quick tips that i think will help you and me
and you’ll spend your day feeling happy and productive

1-       Do not hit snooze :

what ever it’ll take you, do not hit snooze bc it’ll just keep you on your bed sleeping and you’re gonna wake up in a different mood

2-           Don’t focus on yesterday :

Don’t think about yesterday’s events, because that’ll just keep you awake at night and you won’t get enough sleep, try sleeping for 7-8h

3-           Write down those genius ideas :

We all know that in the morning, we have a fresh mind, if you know what i mean, so great ideas will come flowing into your mind, don’t let them go to waste and write them down on a paper or your notebook.

4-           Make a morning playlist :

Try to make a playlist to get ready with, make it for the amount of time you take to get ready, and when u wake up just play it and you’re good to go ( try making it on 8tracks/spotify/soundcloud).

5-           Drink water :

The moment you wake up, drink a glass of water, because water is good for your body, and it’ll be great if you drank a glass in the morning.

6-           Let light in :

When you wake up, open the curtains to let the light in, because if you wake up and it’s all black, it’s not the right mood for the morning.

7-           Get your blood flowing:

Make an amount of time to exercise in the morning or just stretch or do yoga, it’s your choice, it’s good to stretch your lazy muscles in the morning.

So guys those were my tips, hope you enjoyed reading this blog, make sure to comment if you want to ask any questions or have requests, i’ll be pleased to answer you

#Take_ Care

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