Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Who Is Your Mr Right?

Dear bloggers, Welcome To The English Learners!

Today I wanted to change the regular description to something else because I have been reading so much lately, my exams are approaching!

ANOTHER QUIZ FROM www.lifescript.com

Thank goodness Eve already had Adam picked out because if she had not, the search for Mr. Right would be as old as humanity. More than just sexual attraction, Mr. Right is that perfect package of total compatibility. He loves you when you gain a few pounds and he loves you when you accidentally break his favorite fly fishing rod. Do you know what type of man you are attracted to in your search for Mr. Right? Take this quiz to discover your ideal man!

1.It is Friday night and you have had a hard week at the office. Your guy calls to say he wants to meet you for a drink. Your first response is:

Smile and grab my purse. He knows just how to cheer me up.

2.When you imagine Mr. Right, what is he normally wearing?

A pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a few holes around the collar.

3.If you could pick the perfect dream job for your dream guy, what would it be?

Advertising executive.

4.When making love, it is most important that:

He knows I am game whenever he is.

5.You and your guy were going away for the weekend when suddenly you come down with the flu. What would you like your Mr. Right to do?

Whatever inspires him. I like it when he comes back excited about something new.

6.What kind of car do you imagine your Mr. Right driving.

A lifted pickup or SUV

7.After you and Mr. Right settle down, where would you live?

Out in the country where we can enjoy a little solitude.

8.Your idea of a perfect after dinner conversation consists of:

Talking about how our fantasy sports team is doing.

9.Do you believe that opposites attract?

It depends on the individuals. Being able to communicate about our differences is the most important thing.

10.If your friends offered to set you up on a blind date, what would be the one thing you HAD to know about him first?

Why is someone so great still single?

This is my response!!

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