Sunday, July 3, 2016

Jokes About Back To School and About not Loving School!

Dear bloggers, it has been an amazing time blogging. Today I am home alone, so there is nothing much to do.As everything in my blog so far is random and never planned I am back with
another unplanned topic and seriously guys,I don't have a creative mood. Hope you understand!

Found this from

A Few Back to School Jokes

Here are a few funny teacher related jokes:

Kid: I think we need a new teacher.
Mom: Why is that?
Kid: Our teacher doesn’t know anything, she keeps asking us for the answers.

Mom: What did you learn today?
Kid: Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow.

Teacher: You’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet.
Student: But these are the only feet I’ve got!

Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with “t”.
Student: Today and Tomorrow.

Jokes about not loving school:

Teacher: James, where is your homework?
Student: I ate it.
Teacher: Why?
Student: You said it was a piece of cake!

Teacher: Why is your homework in your father’s handwriting?
Student: I used his pen!

Teacher: I see you missed the first day of school.
Student: Yes, but I didn’t miss it much.

Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention?
Student: I’m paying as little attention as I can.

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